Tuesday, October 21, 2008

no one needs to eat this much chocolate

Feeling a little pukey right now. I ate too much chocolate whilst updating my etsy site. Generally today has been of the out of sorts persuasion. I woke up this morning and all this stuff from my bookshelf was on the floor. Salinger's Nine Stories leaping to it's death from the 3rd floor bookcase. I'm not sure how that happened, nor how I could have slept through it. I think it's safe to say I'm feeling generally out of sorts. I do have a show coming up in SF in December. I am beginning the rounds of craft apps for the holiday season. So one asks oneself. What is ones problem?
So, here's the drawing I made last night.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

who will take my hands?

who will take my hands?
Originally uploaded by betsy ply
Here we go. This is one of the paintings in the 'Skinning' show. Anything else I was planning to say about it has leaked out my ears. The good news is, I bought some gouache. The other good news is I'm not afraid to use it.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Two days in a row

I'm blown away by my own verbosity. No, actually not so much. Next Thursday I'll be creating exquisite corpses at the gallery. Hopefully you will come and drink, laugh, and get confused with me. Yes, I do plan on letting you know where it is. I'm waiting for the finished invite. But it'll be next Thursday evening. Not this Thursday which is tomorrow because I will be at Aikido. You can go there to see me if you want, but I will be sweaty.

It has been almost a full year since I began this adventure in yarn spinning and blogging and and craft fair vendoring to build my small 'spinning empire'. I just wanted to thank all the amazing people who have supported, cajoled, cheered and commiserated with me.
Thank you. I can't really thank you enough, so I'm going to keep working.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

no more fried food for the bears!

I can't say that I'm a fan of shake shack. My tummy is super owie and really, did I need to eat that? No. No I did not. I am regretful and fretful.
here's how I feel about it.
This incredible picture was sent to me by my friends Randy and Barb who are far far away in the sane land of Vancouver -where bears get to have their say.