Wednesday, September 17, 2008

not according to plan

well, I'm too tired to take my shoes off. I've decided to drink a beer instead of a glass of water and I'm listening to Bon Iver way way too much.
Why the long face? Why the no talky? I haven't had so much good to say. I became a single person again after 7 years. He's gone off somewhere, to the land dudes go to figure shit out, I guess. I'm working on getting to the land where ladies go to get shit done.

I'm renaming The Chicago Renegade as 'the endurance craft fair of choice'. I'm lucky the Chicagians are super troopers. 48 hours of rainy rain rain. And they were there! These amazing people....Thank you Chicago but seriously, you need to put a dome over your city. Please.

I've just interviewed 5 people to be my possible roomate. Betsy tired.
But I'm in a show! Just to add to the mix of complete mania, chaos and pathos.
I'm very excited to announce that I will be in a show with two other fab artists in Long Island City. The opening will be the 27th. More to come. yep.
Maybe it's time to take my shoes off now....
I promise to write more if you promise to buy me socks.


linda said...

You need the socks to make puppets, right?

betsy said...

yes. puppet.I will love them and hold them and call them george.....

jw said...

can you make some out of yarn? or stella fur?

betsy said...

I could spin yarn out of stella stuff... I've thought about it. but dude, spinning with short fibers is a serious pain in the ass.